
Students Learning

Extended Day Program

Ocala Springs Elementary houses the Community Extended Day Program for students before and after school. This program is offered through the Marion County School Board's Community Education Department. Registration is during hours of operation.

The Extended Day program provides before and after school supervision for our students at a reasonable fee. The program is operated through the Community Education Center of the Marion County School Board. Students arriving at school before 7:35 AM must enroll in our Extended Day Program. If students eat breakfast at school, they may arrive at 7:20 AM. Students remaining on campus after 2:35 PM must also be enrolled in our Extended Day Program. Any child who is not picked up after 2:35 p.m. will be taken to our Extended Day program and charged a $25.00 fee. If you have any questions please call 671-6265.

Fees per Child

  • Morning: $10.00 per week
  • Afternoon: $38.00 per week
  • Both: $48/week
  • Early Release Day: $25.00/day charge per child
  • See Extended Day Fees for more details


Parents are invited and encouraged to volunteer at school. Every effort will be made to find every parent a way to participate actively in his/her child's education. Volunteers are needed to tutor students, shelve library books, make games, file papers, and chaperone field trips.

Title I, Marion County Strategic Plan & School Improvement Plan

Ocala Springs Elementary will continue a school-wide Title I program during the current school year. The Title I criteria, which will benefit our entire school population, is incorporated into this School Improvement Plan.

The faculty, staff, and parents at Ocala Springs Elementary resolve to focus upon the following objectives:

  • Continue toward readiness to start school.
  • Improve student performance in reading.
  • Improve student performance in writing.
  • Improve student performance in math and science.
  • Provide a safe and orderly learning and working environment.
  • Develop and implement strategies to increase parent involvement.